Furniture Packages
At Bed Frames and Mattresses, you can find companies who supply Furniture Packages for Landlords, Tenants, Students, Agencies, Developers, Care Homes, Hotels, Colleges, Councils etc. Either you are looking furniture for living room, bedroom, dinning room or kitchen, you can buy all under one furniture packages. Landlord Furniture Packages are ideal for landlords, tenants and people looking for complete furniture packs.
You have option to choose from 3 bedroom, 4 bedroom, 5 bedroom pack depending upon your rental property. just choose right package that fits your needs.
In bespoke furniture packages, you can create your own HMO package by adding each item e.g Dining Set, Sofas, Chairs, Beds, Kitchen set, Bathroom Set, Cabinets, Wardrobes, Mattresses or Simple Bedroom Furniture into shopping cart. Easy to use, self create package with complete control on items and budget.
Furniture Packages